Well, after a long day of debugging it's finally all powered up; the PCB board required some inter-connects on the back, this was because of some mistakes in the PCB layout. At the moment I have it running continuously, and I plan to leave it running for at least a good few days.
Monday, 29 July 2013
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Almost all soldered up.
I ended up going to my local Maplins for the 3 pots I was missing; I don't like going there unless I really have to, as it quite expensive for parts.
Tonight I'll carefully power it up and set it up, and then run some diagnostic tests. I'll have to get the header strip connector for the Bluetooth module next week.
Monday, 22 July 2013
PCB's Arrived!!!
(Pic Above, Left) The boards arrived this afternoon!! and I've already "hand" placed a few components to see if they fitted correctly; I think all is good, so far at least!
(23rd July) At 7am this morning I soldered up one of the boards before work; I'm missing some parts though; 1 connector for the Bluetooth module and 3 pots; so I'll need to order those when I get chance.
(Pic Below) I was fairly happy with my soldering, except that I need to get some thinner solder wire as mine is too thick, I've found the board requires a more delicate solder feed approach in order to achieve the right amount of solder for each connection.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
PCB's ordered!
This evening I ordered a dozen PCB boards; although I checked and re-checked the files before I sent them, I can only at best - hope that everything will work out right first time; they should take around 2-3 weeks to be delivered. Each PCB will measure approx 4" x 4" and once they arrive I should have enough parts to make up at least a couple of complete boards, and maybe a few partial ones.
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